Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow in Houston (12-11-2008)

Snow Night in Houston (12-10-2008)

Well, it finally happened...it snowed in Houston, which only happens about once every 4 years, or so. Of course, it was mostly all melted this morning by 9:00 a.m.; however, it was great to see how excited the kids were to play in it and reminded me of when I was a kid and always prayed for snow.

Of course, to their disappointment school was NOT cancelled today...LOL..which was a big surprise.

But I can tell you that we had a great time and after the snowball fight, which poor Lil Mal lost, due to big bro and big sis ganging up on her....we had hot chocolate with LOTS of marshmallows and homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. It was a truly wonderful end to a looong, cold winter's day.♥

Now we just have to wait another 4 years...


Kristie Corpus said...

cool pictures!

beck2listen said...

Thanks! I had to do it after you were wishing for snow...LOL..I just couldn't remember what day it was exactly. They all seem to run together during the week..:0P