Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random Things About Me...

I loved Kristie's so much, I thought I'd play along..

1. I was born in Taylor, Texas and am the oldest of three children. We are all three years brother and sister lovingly call me "The Boss."~~At least I like to believe it's "lovingly."

2. My Nannie and Paw-Paw practically raised me and used to own a Chicken/Egg Farm. I would sneak out to the Chicken House at night, when I was around 2, or 3, and get the egg fillers to chew on. Yes, I was a strange kid...

3. I am named after my Nannie's mom, and my Great-Grandmother, Rebecca Cummings. I hear she was a GREAT lady.

4. When I was about 3 I came up missing one day and my Nannie thought I had drowned in the tank, so she rallied up the small community of Davilla to come drag the tank for me and lo and behold, as they were driving up I came walking out of the pasture, crying. Apparently, I was walking across the pasture to my Aunt's house and got tired, layed down and took a nap in the pasture, and a bull woke me up sniffing of me and scared me. My Nannie loves telling that story...and I love her for it.

5. I graduated from Rockdale High School in 1987.....yes, I am OOOOLLLLDDD....

6. My "little" brother, who towers over me and is well over 6' tall, is my male hero. He is the best brother, husband, father and person I know.

7. When I was young I sucked my bottle until I was well over 5 years old. One day I was at home, funny that I remember this in such detail, and my Paw-Paw drove up in the front yard, with a horse trailer with a Shetland Pony in it. I ran out and asked him who it was for and he told me that it was for me, if I threw that stinking bottle away. I ran in the house as fast as I could, in my underwear mind you (yes, we were very country), and threw the bottle in the sink. Would only suck it at night after that, when I stole my brother's...tee hee....

8. I come from a huge family, on both my mom's and dad's side. My mom's side is from East Texas, and I have an Aunt Bea, Aunt Veenie, Uncle Buford, Aunt Merlene and a cousin named's true....

9. I have been a Legal Assistant for almost 20 years now, and strictly Family Law for about 10 of those years.

10. I love my two kids more than anything in life and am so very proud of them. Even when they make mistakes.

11. I am also raising two wonderful girls, whom I love and cherish like my own.

12. I have a Pug named Brutus, who snores and likes to sleep on my head..or under the covers snuggled up to my legs....he's my 'wil baby.....

13. I learn something new everyday..sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but with everything learned comes wisdom, or so they say...

14. When I was 12 my mom bought me a Paint Gelding and I named him Bud. He was the best horse ever!!! I rode him everyday.

15. I went to Barbizon Modeling School, in Dallas/Ft. Worth, when I was in 8th Grade.

16. Brittany, my oldest, was due on October 11th and I went into labor with her that night and had her on October 12th at 6:13 a.m., she weighed 8 lbs. 10 ounces, and was born on her Dad's birthday. Two days later, on October 14th, my birthday, we were discharged from the hospital.

17. Jacob, my baby, was two weeks early and I went in on a Thursday night, with a UTI which threw me into early labor, and finally had him on Saturday morning, March 6th, at 9:46 a.m. He was my 9 lb. 3 ounce preemie! LOL...seriously, it was funny seeing him with all the "full-term" 6 lb babies...I called him my "baby monster." He is now over 6' tall.

18. I am in desperate need of a vacation, even if it's just to veg at home and do NOTHING!

19. I like to read...anything by Dean Koontz and Lisa Jackson. I also like Anne Rice alot.

20. My lawyer friends, and my kids, always want to know why I don't become a lawyer...sometimes I think maybe...then, I think....nahhh....

21. Like Kristie, sad movies ALWAYS make me cry, too, as do sad commercials, etc., and my son and Chris always make fun of me.

22. Sad movies also make my daughter we love to watch them together.

23. I broke my right index finger when I was a Freshman in high school, fighting with my baby brother at home one day when my mom was at work. The doctor didn't set it right and it grew back to where I cannot bend the end of my finger now.

24. On my very first day of fourth grade my mom shot herself in front of me....sad, but true. I became very devout to God, and would get myself up on Sundays and walk to church, while my parents slept, after that. Because of Him, and my wonderful grandparents, I am who I am today, which I think is a pretty amazing person, flaws and all.


25. I can touch my nose with my tongue....LOL...


lmt1073 said...

okay, now i get it... we were both born in taylor, texas... that's what makes us soul sisters!

Lisa Nix said...

Jeff can touch his nose too...thats why i keep him

beck2listen said... betcha! What a great place to be born....

And, I hear ya on the reason for keep'n him part, Lisa..LOL...I think that's why Chris wants to keep me, if truth be told...

lmt1073 said...

by the way, we gotta get this background fixed!

beck2listen said...

I concur, girl....

Kristie Corpus said...

okay, Rockdale, Rebecca, Raising kids, really crazy (just kiddin) Your letter is R. Now go. Good luck. much harder than you think

beck2listen said... already gave me some great ideas...LOL...