Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas '08

Christmas was really great this year. No running around trying to make sure we saw everyone, just relaxing, calm, and enjoyable, as it should be. Although, I did miss being at my Nannie's, as I do most years, my brother sent me pics of my niece and nephew playing outside and letting me know that I was in their hearts and thoughts.

Of course, Santa came and, to Ethan's surprise did NOT eat the cookies he left out that he had taken a bite out of..LOL..(I wonder why that was and how he knew?)...Anyway, he did eat the ones that were NOT bitten off of, so don't fear, Santa did get his required portion of cookie and milk fuel.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying family and shooting each other with dart guns...I must thank Chris for thinking of that wonderful gift for he and Ethan, that just keeps on giving.

Then my daughter came on Friday and we enjoyed some quality one-on-one mother-daughter time. We watched The Women on pay-per-view, made sand tarts (our favorites), and then on Saturday we walked around the mall, so she could spend her gift cards. It was the best Christmas present ever!!!

And, isn't that what Christmas should be all about anyway, family? Well, mine certainly was and spending time with my daughter after almost a year was the best ever!! No amount of material things could ever replace that!

Now, if I could just shake this pesky chest cold that is trying to turn into more..grrr..


lmt1073 said...

Wow! You have some handsome men on your hand and your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!!! How in the world did we end up with such dark haired beauties??? lol... and the pup, how cute!!!

beck2listen said...

Thanks...the puppy is Brittany's, and she definitely looks like her dad. About all she got from me is her height..LOL..