Monday, April 20, 2009

I've Been Tagged....

Okay, I've been tagged by Laura over at A Form of Therapy..... so here it goes!

**8 Things I'm Looking Forward To**
1) Some time off...whenever that may be
2) June 25th hearing for the girls, to see if we get any money back from AG, which is badly needed
3) Jacob getting his driver's license, so I can send him on errands
4) Hopefully getting to see Ethan this summer and going on a little vacation with all the kids
5) Getting some work done around my house this summer, hopefully
6) The little class reunion we're planning in September or October
7) Relaxing on the weekends
8) Planning a trip somewhere

**8 Things I Did Yesterday**
1) Nada....LOL....that's right....a whole lotta NADA
2) Took a nap
3) Messed around on the computer
4) Balanced the checkbooks
5) Watched Home and Garden television
6) Read
7) Watched the movie The Holiday
8) Went to Dairy Queen and met my brother, who bought me a dipped cone and sweet tea..had a wonderful visit!

**8 Things I Wish I Could Do**
1) The same thing I did yesterday....a whole lotta NADA!
2) Go on a vacation
3) Fix up my house now
4) Go horseback riding
5) Find some peace in my life
6) Have an entire weekend to myself
7) Go on a spa day with my girlfriends
8) Find someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated

**8 Shows I Watch On TV**
1) One Tree Hill
2) Intervention
3) Anything on Home and Garden Channel
4) Seinfeld
5) Frasier
6) Two and a half Men
7) Law & Order (Any of them....)
8) Medium


E @ Scottsville said...

I look forward to the weekends, wish I could take a nap, and LOVE "Two & a Half Men", too!

Happy Tagging!